Hello! My name is iZug, and I present to you, my EZMannequin Model!
I’m not much of a clothing designer myself, but I have built/ done some minor scripting for some before, including building several “Home-Store” locations complete with mannequins and marketplace features.
And speaking from experience, the process of setting up a mannequin, customizing it, and coding it is moderately difficult if you do not have much experience in studio, and more than that: it can be incredibly annoying and time consuming if you have large amounts of mannequins to set up.
This product allows a user with little studio knowledge to have the ability to set up a functional mannequin easily and quickly without having to hire someone to do it for them. The EZMannequin Model is free to use for anyone and everyone!
The EZMannequin Model is a mannequin with several customization options that is set up to be as easy as possible for a beginner to get the hang of to help get them on the road to selling clothing quickly and easily! The mannequin has options to customize the clothing on the mannequin, as well as the skin color, and face, and allows the developer to add as many hats/accessories as they want to the mannequin!
The model comes with a READ ME script explaining in detail exactly how to use every feature in depth, and how to add more features if desired.
A quick rundown of the model and what you get:
The model contains a configuration folder that has several labeled number values, where you input:
The template ID’s of the clothing you want to appear on the mannequin.
The asset ID’s of the clothing you want to sell from the mannequin.
The asset ID of the face you want to appear on the mannequin.
The asset ID’s of the hats/hair you want to appear on the mannequin, allowing for theoretically infinite accessories.
A bodycolor set that you can use to apply a base color to your mannequin.
Along with buttons allowing you to purchase the clothing on the mannequin, and a centered base, so the mannequin is easy to move around with the move tool.
A fair bit of warning: I’m not a world-class scripter, in fact I’m more of a builder, so there is almost definitely an quicker ways of doing what this model does, but this model is for people who have very little experience in studio, so that they are able to make selling their clothing easier without having to hire someone with the know-how to do it for them, and it is what I have used for many of my home-store projects.
If there’s anything that you think I should add/change about the EZMannequin, or if you have any questions about how to use it, please message me either on the DevForums OR on Roblox PM, thank you!