EzUISprings - Simple UI Movement Module

Huh weird, my gut is telling me that the renderpriority for the effect needs to be set after camera, but im not entirely sure.

I don’t currently have my computer atm but I’ll make a new option in the SpringParams that lets you edit that. — Probably in a day or two

This is probably one of, if not the best UI utilities out there. I have been looking for a module capable of organizing a 3d HUD aspect to UI. Definite vouch from me!

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i was going to use the 2d thing for a sway but its gone now :disappointed_relieved:

I’ll work on readding it when I get back home after school assuming I don’t collapse onto my bed.
The reason I removed it in the first place was because it’s kinda common and easy to do in the first place so I just assumed nobody needed it. I should probably stop doing that…

Change Log V 1.2:

→ Functionality Changes

  • Added a new, separate type for 2D spring effects.
    It’s the same as the normal 3D variant… except 2D!!! wow.
    This type is made with EzUISprings.new2D() and takes (GuiObject: GuiObject, SpringParams2D: SpringParams2D?) as constructors.
  • You can now set the camera you wish to use as reference in the SpringParams, although it will default to the CurrentCamera if one is not set.
  • Got rid of some random prints that I forgot about. (Sorry!)

New version, as always, is on the toolbox and also downloadable as a .rbxm file here.

Hey, I believe the modules rotation is broken? I’m not sure if I’m using it incorrectly but the following happens when I try to change the rotation by even a bit. I have tried TextLabels, Frames, using decimal points for the rotation but it all ends up the same.

local uiSprings = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Utils.EzUISpring)
local textLabel = script.Parent.Frame

local springParams = uiSprings.newSpringParams()
springParams.SpringIntensity = 15
springParams.BaseRotationOffset = Vector3.new(1, 0, 0)

local uiSpringObject = uiSprings.new(textLabel, springParams)


(file was too large so I uploaded to google drive)

Hey yeah, so I made an oopsie and accidentally slotted in BaseRotationOffset for BasePositionOffset.

As you can tell, I didn’t test it at all lol :sweat_smile:
I’ve updated the toolbox and .rbxm file and it should be fixed now, just re-insert the module.