ezVisualz - UIGradient and UIStroke effects made easy!

So, how would one go about updating this module to appear consistently across different frame rates?
Currently, on 240 FPS displays, the animations will appear much faster. Likewise, will appear slower on <60 FPS. Looks like this was designed for 60 FPS only. Understandably so, as it was the only one supported by Roblox until recently.

Reference: Introducing the Maximum Framerate setting

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Just published a fix for this. Should have initially factored in delta time, thanks for reporting this!

(a couple of effects off but will look into fixing those)

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A new effect has been added to ezVisualz: ShineOutline thanks to @tinblox11

Also, support for Wally:


idk if its just me but pause and destroy dont work at all, I simply tried this in ur uncopylocked place and tried doing like textEffect12:Pause(), no output

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Just published a fix for this, thanks for pointing it out!

Lovely, now i can save more time by working on the core gameplay instead of front end satisfaction, thanks!

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Do you have any idea on how to make your Module connects to a Karaoke System?


Hello, Iā€™m wondering how this module could be used to construct a UIStroke animation that is of the colors moving in a direction rather than the colors rotating, Iā€™ve attempted using the custom properties by making a .Stroke.new class however it would always turn out as a jittery, flashing mess.

Why did you make all of the presets in the uncopylocked place white, you legit deleted every preset like this makes this module useless now.

What do you mean? If you press Play, you can see all the gradients working.

yeah, I realized that but I donā€™t know why you removed them when it shows in studio it used to do that. Itā€™s a bit harder to see which is which now, also how do I apply the shine texture to a bar, I want it to sparkle a little bit, can you help me out with that, itā€™s a progress bar.

Does this work on meshes or decals ? what is this ? in your examples at the top


Is there a way to get this to outline a mesh or decal image?


How do I set the rotation of the gradient? I couldnā€™t find it

how do i get it working with text in BillboardGuis?

Thereā€™s a working example in the uncopylocked place for a BillboardGui.

Thereā€™s two methods for Rotation:

Gradient:SetRotation(number, acceleration)
Gradient:SetRotationSpeed(number, acceleration)

I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t know about this until now itā€™s honestly amazing!
Nice work on this Module!

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Thatā€™s an ImageLabel. This library does not work on Meshes or Decals.

Getting ezVisualz to work on other UI instances is something Iā€™ll be looking into.

when i call method :Destroy() on an object which uses gradient and stroke in the same script, it deletes everything

    local v1=require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("EasyVisuals"))
	local te=ev:WaitForChild("GradientTemplates"):WaitForChild("Fire")--template
	local m:UIGradient=require(te)() --UIGradient
	local c=m.Color --color sequence
	local n=NumberSequence.new(0) --transparency sequence
	for i,btn:ImageButton in pairs(classes) do
		local vis=v1.Gradient.new(btn,c,n); --fire gradient for image buttons
		vis:SetRotation(45,0) --set rotation
		vis:SetOffsetSpeed(.1,1) --set offset
    local s2
    local function set()
		s2=v1.new(o,"LavaStroke",.25,2,false) --lava gradient stroke
    local function unset()

when i call s2:Destroy(), all the visual ā€œStrokeā€ as well as ā€œGradientā€ gets destroyed!
for this I had to manually search and destroy it

    local us2=o:FindFirstChild("UIStroke") --manually find object with name UIStroke
	if us2 then
		us2:Destroy() --destroy stroke UI

i saw this in your module

        if (not Object.Destroy) then

how do i set object to not be destroyed when :Destroy() is called!

Calling Destroy on the actual main Effect will also destroy the gradient and stroke with it, thatā€™s the whole reason of calling Destroy.

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