F-16 for Falcon Blox 1.0 is ready

i have now finished my first F-16 for falcon blox 1.0, all there is needed is to create other vehicles for a testing place to test weapons, mission types, enemy and allied AI and many other things including airfields and structures along with my first F-16.

here is the finished product.

there are of course misteps taken, but i have at least made the plane.

link:F-16 (falcon Blox 1.0) - Roblox

hope you all have a good time.


leave some your thoughts on this model.

This airplane looks good! Nice job on it!

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serious 2014 vibes

the parts not lining up is a bit weird but the general idea/shape is great, just align your parts

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Looks pretty good. Did you make this all in roblox studio or blender?

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Studio, I made this with Studio by using a reference sheet (blueprint).

I was going to do that when I am fit and ready, not when I am stressed and in a hurry. But I will keep your advise in mind.



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Thanks, it means Alot to me and my future projects.:+1: