F3X building tools not working properly

Hi all,
Does anyone know a fix to this my f3x? It’s bugged it wont highlight the F3X UI and selecting stuff is very janky. I tried uninstalling studio and the plugin itself and that didn’t seem to work.

My F3X works in every other team create and non team create workspace other than this one.

Below is a GIF showing the issue

I appreciate all answers and help thank you

  1. Did you make sure the F3X Tool is from the right creator of it?

  2. Is it possible to link the studio source in private so I could investigate and attempt trying to find the solution?

yeah its 100% from the right creator, I can link you the place sure, can you add me on discord? Its nimb1e

I’m having this same Issue. Reinstalled it multiple times, no dice

Didn’t you just lock the model or the parts?

Just to notify you, you’ve never sent me a response after I sent you my friend’s invite.

hey apologies what is your user?

no, you would think though lol

maththenight, though I am already busy now since September began and I got more stuff on my hand to focus on.

@GigsD4X Help. The plugin broke and this is has been like that for months


thats the same thing happening to me

1 Like

@GigsD4X Same For me The plugin broke!

But i Have Solution in Studio You Need Click “Workspace”. In the “Properties” window scroll down until you see “SignalBehaviour”, and switch it to “Immediate” Then it should work.


or use this, this one is updated it is on the front of the plugins list for me