F3X Cloning Issue

Hello, developers! Since a F3X tool is outdated and the creator hasn’t update the tool for 5-6 months.
I want to fix it.

If your question is “Why you are fixing on F3X Tool?”
My answer is I need to fix it because I’m not using it for studio. I’m using it so I and my friends can play in the game and build around.

Issue is when cloning the part or model, after the part is duplicated, it will deselected all parts including new ones. I’ve found a code that’s causing but I couldn’t figure it out how to get it fixed.

Here’s video.

function Selection.Replace(Items, RegisterHistory)
    -- Replaces the current selection with the given new items

    -- Save old selection reference for history
    local OldSelection = Selection.Items;

    -- Find new items
    local NewItems = {}
    for _, Item in ipairs(Items) do
        if not Selection.ItemIndex[Item] then
            table.insert(NewItems, Item)

    -- Find removing items
    local RemovingItems = {}
    local NewItemIndex = Support.FlipTable(Items)
    for _, Item in ipairs(Selection.Items) do
        if not NewItemIndex[Item] then
            table.insert(RemovingItems, Item)

    -- Update selection
    if #NewItems > 0 then
        Selection.Add(NewItems, false)
    if #RemovingItems > 0 then
        Selection.Remove(RemovingItems, false)

    -- Create a history record for this selection change, if requested
    if RegisterHistory then


As you can seem, after cloning part it didn’t print “Added”.
At that point, I have to click the part again. It’s been bothering me.