Face wont load and headsize?

So I have this issue in my game where some people wont load with a face and some people get a bigger headsize. And I have personally had this issue with my avatar when i load into my game but I cant seem to find a fix thats why im here hoping one of you guys know what the issue is. Example: no face https://gyazo.com/b7be67d541b5a029f2e579931b070172 and bigger head size https://gyazo.com/a790737b03509f64e0b41a7c7f69abf1 - thanks

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Could there be any scripts causing this problem?

Are you letting players in the game to be able to change their in-game avatars? If so, then its probably something wrong with the way you used HumanoidDescription.

i dont know is there a way i can check

If you have any free models in your game check those, delete any scripts that may look malicious.

After doing a little testing I have found a solution that might work.

Setting up

Getting the character model

1.Get the model
StarterCharacter - Roblox
2. Go to the toolbox
3. go to my models
4.Insert the character
5. Add model to “StarterPlayer”

  1. Create a script (Server script)
  2. Add this to “StarterCharacterScripts” located inside “StarterPlayer”
  3. Copy the code left below into the script

The code

local char = script.Parent -- Player's character

for _,z in pairs(char:GetDescendants())do -- hides player until it is loaded
	if z:IsA("BasePart") then
		z.Transparency = 1

local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid") -- Character's humanoid
local players = game:GetService("Players") -- player service
local plr = players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char) --your player

local appearence = players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(plr.UserId) --gets how your character looks

humanoid:ApplyDescription(appearence, Enum.AssetTypeVerification.Default) --applys look to character

local items = char:GetDescendants() --gets a table of all the items in the character

for _,x in pairs(items)do -- unachoring the model
	if x:IsA("BasePart") then
		x.Anchored = false
		if x.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
			x.Transparency = 0

I would like to point out how not good ROBLOX’s moderation system is. I uploaded the model as all grey thinking it was fine. Apparently not. I got a warning. Thanks, Roblox.