FacialAnimationStreaming causes 6+ seconds of lag upon respawn in solo/local/team tests

After I or any user dies within Studio playtests, it causes a 6-second lag-spike which can be experienced across all machines/simulations, before I am able to respawn.
Looking in the micro profiler, it seems to be related to CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming.

Everything seems to be fine in the live experience. You can notice the lag occurs right on Animator.EvaluationThrottled is not currently enabled.


Expected behavior

I should respawn immediately and see replicated player movement. Instead I don’t.


Hello, thanks for reporting this issue.
We weren’t able to reproduce it right away, could you give some more details to help us reproduce it?
-which place(s) are you encountering the issue in? Is it in all places (including fresh empty base plate) or in specific places?
-if specific to place(s), are there any relevant differences? (compared to before you encountered the issue)?
-Do you have Game Settings/Communication
Microphone or Camera turned on?
If so, can you try again with turning those off?
-When did this start happening?
-Which Roblox Studio version, and OS?
-Please also send Roblox Studio logs taken from right after the issue happened ( https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016022492-How-to-Retrieve-Roblox-Studio-Logs )
(you can also send those via DM)

It seems to happen in all places. A fresh empty base plate is included.

Camera was turned on whilst microphone was off. Turning off camera seems to fix it.
Turning it back on, causes issue to happen again.

It started Happening a few days ago. We’ve replicated it on 2 different machines and both are having the same issues.


Windows 11 Pro
Windows 11

Fresh Baseplate Warning:

I will DM the Roblox Studio logs

I’m also experiencing this issue

This is a screenshot from the default Baseplate template inside studio

CoreScripts/PlayerBillboards is also another culprit, this screenshot is from a private server

This also happens in live multiplayer games too.

To answer the questions above:

  1. The issue occurs within all live/private experiences and studio.
  2. Camera and microphone communication is disabled as of writing this, but I have enabled both whilst testing and more issues have arisen
  3. This has been happening for months, but I have not bothered to report it as I do not have access to the bug reports section to of the forum, and at the time, I seemed to be the only person experiencing this bug
  4. Roblox Studio/Client Version: 0.627.0.6270453 (64bit)

Microprofiler dump, studio/client logs and system information will be sent in a PM shortly after this reply

Are you seeing the issue with camera disabled?

Correct, but with camera enabled this will cause the client to hang, this time on “CoreScripts/FacialAnimationStreaming” instead of “CoreScripts/PlayerBIllboards” when the camera is disabled

All relevant info has been PM’ed to Ugilicious

Found a fix!

Uninstalled my webcam driver, and it’s smooth sailing from there.

If you use “EOS Webcam Utility”, uninstalling that will eliminate all form of freezes and stutters, only thing that sucks is that you can no longer use your webcam (obviously).

The client still hangs even if you have your camera disabled in the privacy settings and even with experiences with facial tracking disabled.

In the meantime I’ve stumbled upon Reddit comments and YouTube videos explaining multiple potential fixes.

If you use Windows 11, you can turn off cameras system-wide.

Another one was to disable phone link, but I don’t have this enabled either way so…

Neither of these fixes worked for me, as show below

Only fix was to completely remove my webcam driver.

Thanks for the update. Glad you got it resolved by removing the camera driver. We are working on a fix to address this so it wouldn’t cause this lag. We will update this thread when the fix is live.

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Just as an added note to see if it would help you guys identify any further issues, I’ve been now experiencing this bug in certain games (7+ seconds screen freezes), and other games I would just outright be unable to join. However, I’ve been able to play other games without any issues. (Consistent Behaviors)