This post is meant to show information for the factions in my upcoming game “50 Years After”. Not all information about the lore will be given because I want some parts of the lore to be discovered in the game itself.
Blue Radiation
Blue Radiation is a company that was founded during the pre-war era. The company was founded in order to build nuclear power plants for various companies. The company almost went out of business due to reusable and more efficient power sources becoming more and more profitable while power sources that were the opposite were becoming less profitable. This led to the company to switch to the tech industry.
New Virginia
The Free Republic of New Virginia is an independent nation made up out of the former states of West Virginia and Virginia. New Virginia is divided into provinces with each province being a former county of either West Virginia or Virginia. The nation’s government often ignores its own constitution and passes unconstitutional laws that restrict the rights of the nation’s citizens.
The Armored Pack
The Armored Pack was one of the first post-war fractions to be created.