how do i make that fade out effect around the circle. i tried on a part and it was easy i had to use billboardgui and uigradient but on a circle it was harder.
my best idea is beams but that would be tedious
mmmm particle emitter…
not quite sure how, check the toolbox for ideas
orrrr transparent cylinder with simi-transparent texture?
hmmm, this seems like this was already posted awhile ago by someone, the same image… you can make a beam a circle by rotating the attachments, then there is a solid part that they made into a circle… I’ll hunt around and see if I can find some info
also does the circle part actual change colors like and movement of the image, or is it just faded from bottom to top and is static that way?
Beams do Transparency on their length and not their width, so that wouldn’t work.
What you’re looking at is an invisible cylinder part with 4 Gradient-textured Decals
thank you that really helped me!
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