Failed to load animation - sanitized ID Keeps Occurring?

I’ve been trying to create and play a new animation for a while but its suddenly not working and I keep being greeted with this message:

I tried reuploading the animation several times and tried uploading different animations but kept being greeted with the same error.

This is an excerpt of the script where the animation is told to play:

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() 
if skipcutscene == false then
	skipcutscene = true
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Cutscene.Value = true
	workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
	workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = -316.088501, 60.8844566, 379.279205, -0.889415205, -0.00957289897, -0.457000136, -0, 0.999780774, -0.02094266, 0.457100421, -0.0186267197, -0.889219999)
	local enter = workspace.EnterRig.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Animations.Enter)

Does this issue happen with anyone else or is it just me making a silly mistake and not realizing it?

It’s a stupid Roblox bug they still have not fixed. You will have to wait some time for the animation to work, it might work in the Roblox Player.


to know if your animation has fully loaded is if it’s in your inventory, been happening to me all day and it started working when the animations was officially in my inventory.

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About 2 hours have gone by and it’s working now. Thanks for the heads-up.

Good to know. Thanks for telling me.

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