"Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID" on custom Animate script

I’ve been struggling on this for a while now. I am currently having issues with a modified animate script. Every time I run the game and walk (I modified walking and running), it would not play an animation and instead put an error on my output, which says “Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID” even though I owned it and did everything needed for an animation to be able to load in my game. I saw a topic that said to just preload it and it’ll work since this was a recently added error that just errors if a animation didn’t load. So I did exactly that, and it didn’t work.
Looking around, this seems to be a bug, but I just want to make sure if somebody else has the solution to it.
So, any fixes?


I’m not sure if I will be the one who provides a solution but could you provide the script that is loading your custom animation?

local anim = Instance.new("Animation").AnimationId

anim = "rbxassetid://15441762280"


I also tried just putting the ID of the animation, like this;


restart studio, if that doesnt work then check if you uploaded it to the account/group your games on

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It usually lasts a week, most animations do that. Or it is because you didn’t create the animation.

Restarting studio fixed the problem, thanks for the advice!

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