"Failed to load game assets" on published places in Studio

I filed this because reports were coming up on my similar previous topic.

In Roblox Studio, I often get game settings failures when I open a published place from my own account. This for whatever reason also disables the Game Explorer window, but not the Asset Manager window, its in-beta successor.

The behavior I expect is when I open a published place from my own account, the Game Explorer window works and I don’t get an error message.

This does not happen 100% of the time, sometimes it succeeds, and it started this morning, because I didn’t get these errors last night.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open Roblox Studio.

  2. Select a random game from the My Games tab.

  3. If you don’t get the error, close the game from the file menu and go back to step 2.

About 70% of the time, you will get the error.

Beta Features

  • Align Tool Improvements
  • Asset Manager (Switched on and off)
  • Expressive Output Window
  • Safe Studio Updates

This is happening to me as well. When I try to load into a group published game I get this error. Attempting to access other places within the game produce the same result. This so far has happened 100% of the time for me with this specific game within the past half hour. As of yesterday night everything was working fine.


This is also happening to me. Reinstall didn’t help. I am unable to continue my work due to this, since I am working with Rojo (and it stopped working aswell)


Same for me. I am making models for my group game and I keep getting this error.

Happening to me too. Rarely, you’ll be directed to the studio login screen with an error message below the username box (forgot what the error message was) instead of a simple error.

Edit: Just adding some more info. This error was happening last night for me, however it was more uncommon than now.

I’m having a similar error popup as well, but My explorer seems to work fine.

Every time I open a studio game I get this with the windows alert sound. The error hasn’t effected anything as of now.

Its been happening since yesterday or the day before that.

Here’s an image of the error:


Not clue what the ‘Error while loading entities for universe NUMBER’ is but it seems to differ from yours.

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I’ve been consistently getting that error in my game all throughout today, and was waiting for a Regular to make a post about this. I’ve been able to publish the game fine though, and I can’t seem to figure out what “studio features have been disabled.”

Happening to me when I load or publish my game, however, it behaves normally when I just save to ROBLOX.

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I am also having this issue, wanted to upload a mesh, and received this error message too.


I am receiving this error 100% of the time I attempt to access any place that isn’t the Start Place for a game (id 222994363) that is owned by a user which I have edit access to via team create. Each time the issue occurs I am given an HTTP 500 but no further details as to what is causing the problem.

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I am also getting the same error now and even in an almost empty game not only in the larger game I should be working on:

These kind of errors started happening 2 days ago.


from what i can tell it disables features like adding decals, but this might differ from you

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this also happens for me it sometimes errors and sometimes works

A have saw some people with this problem, are you using team create?

Im having this problem and im not using team create.

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This problem is occurring regardless of team create or not.

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Wanted to give my update that the issue has been now resolved for me, I am unsure if this still affects others though.

I’m still getting this as well. It’s occurred in all types of my places, team create, group, personal. Doesn’t matter what the type is.

There have been issues on this platform for a week right now, hopefully the staff see this and are able to fix these issues ASAP.