Fake viewport frame positioning

Look at the following examples

In both images there is a proper “scaled” positioning.neither use viewport frames and even if they do it doesn’t matter.

my question is how do I achieve a correct scaling of this supposed model like the my character or the bombshell guy correctly positioned in relation to the screen like how viewport frames sorta are with there models inside them

Any help would be great

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So, next time, try explaining better, but heres what I gathered on what I think you’re trying to say.

P.S. ViewportFrames should have nothing to do with this, this is just simple camera manipulation, the only viewport that could be related is the actual screen of the player, but that’s it.

Possible Question 1: How would I position the camera to a model in a viewport frame?
So basically, position your studio camera onto the object in question, and copy the camera located in workspace. While keeping your studio camera in place, create a viewport frame, place the object inside the frame, as well as pasting the camera that is copied on your clipboard. Set the CurrentCamera property of the viewportframe to the camera you pasted inside the frame.

Possible Question 2: How would I make a menu with a camera facing a player? You can easily do this by setting the currentCamera’s CFrame to a random parts CFrame. Doing this, the camera will face in the same direction and position as the part.

local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local part = game.Workspace.SelectedPart

cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
cam.CFrame = part.CFrame

I’m trying to the second one and sorry I wrote this a bit late. Positioning the camera to
Look at something is ok but like for the zooming and out because for example I have it on the side on my of but half the guy disappears on a phone I’m trying to make sure the camera image is the same size or the model is the same size through all platforms