Falklands War - new game icon + thumbnail

I would say white, and add some roundness (like UICorners in roblox) to the outline.

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The font is fine, maybe replace the Ls with rifles and add hawker hunter jets flying in the background.

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Hello, it looks cool one day can you help me make a game/Community for ROBLOX.

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Hi, thank you for the feedback.
What do you mean with Ls? Left side?


Thank you so much for the support :smiley:

So much better, but as I was insisting, round off the corners of the logo, like UI corners in ROBLOX.

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He means replace all the letter ‘L’ with thick rifle drawings.

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The letter Ls of the text font replace them with rifle shaped guns. Honestly nvm. It’s not that necessary.

What is necessary though is having jets in the background. Most of the battle in the falklands was A4 skyhawks vs Hawker hunter jets

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The corners are automatically rounded off when used as a game Icon
Desktop Screenshot 2021.02.14 - (2)

Oh ok. Thats fine then! :+1: :smiley:

I’m a bit confused with the time period of the game. Is this based on the real Falklands War which took place during 1982, or is it some alternate history? The soldier in the icon looks like he’s wearing some 30s/40s-era kit, not something from the 70s/80s. I don’t know if this is by accident or on purpose, but I hope you could clarify.

Some typical U.K. gear might look a little more like this (camo, berets/rounded helmets, L1A1s, etc.)

(Scots Guards at Mount Tumbledown)


Thank you very much - I’m not a history expert :upside_down_face:. The game should be based on the real War. The weapon I used is a L42A1 sniper rifle which was also used in the war I think.

In that case, you need to totally change the outfit. Do that, and it might look good.

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delete the frame and change the text

I love how people think changing the outfit is easy. :joy:

This isn’t the Avatar Editor where you can click a button and have the items change.

He wanted feedback, no? I gave feedback. Sorry if that peeves you in any way if I was oblivious to the foibles of 3D GFX development.

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No worries. Can’t believe it’s been 6 months since the last response. I don’t know why this post was recommended to me as “new.” :joy:

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The GFX is decent but what annoys me is the use of a brodie helmet in the 80s, when they went out of service near the end of WW2

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