I’ve been getting these crash popups from Studio on a frequent basis, but the odd thing is that Studio didn’t actually crash. I can select the Studio window and continue to use it indefinitely. Once it pops up and you ignore it and keep using Studio, you don’t seem to get more of them. Every time it’s happened to me I’ve been going from Edit mode to in-window Play Solo. It doesn’t happen 100% of the time (although it’s frequent enough to happen within 10 minutes of using Studio every time I use it), this is the last thing in the output before the popup appears:
07:36:50.466 - StartProcessException…
Gif of crash notification (you can see Studio is still running in the background):
I guess it could also be an autosaving thing since Studio autosaves whenever you go into play solo, but I doubt it because I have my autosave interval set to one minute and if I leave Studio idle for half an hour it will continue autosaving with no crashes at all. I don’t know how the logs work, but here’s what I assume is the crash info:
Wouldn’t let me attach the dump file, so I uploaded it to google docs:
It seems to crash when datastores fail or something. I noticed my players researched ships are not loaded when the crash message appears. I am investigating further.
This always shows when I get the crash message:
03:48:20.729 - HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 XSRF Token Validation Failed)
03:48:20.729 - Script 'ServerScriptService.ServerChatScript', Line 57
03:48:20.729 - Stack End
[quote] It seems to crash when datastores fail or something. I noticed my players researched ships are not loaded when the crash message appears. I am investigating further.
This always shows when I get the crash message:
03:48:20.729 - HTTP 403 (HTTP/1.1 403 XSRF Token Validation Failed)
03:48:20.729 - Script 'ServerScriptService.ServerChatScript', Line 57
03:48:20.729 - Stack End
Just to clarify, if datastores are causing an issue for Semaphorism somehow, it’s not what’s causing my game to crash. I do not use datastores at all in the game pictured in the OP. That game is pretty much empty too – it’s just a start place for a upcoming universe. All it has is a couple of local scripts.
Nope, still having the issue, and can’t figure out what is causing it. I use pcall around all my datastore requests as well. And like I said, the http 403 always appears when it happens.
Started getting this crash again, googled “StartProcessException” and was brought right back to this thread
It prints “StartProcessException” and I can keep playing until I click stop, at which point it hangs forever. Another developer gets the same crash in the team create place.
I can DM crash reports if necessary, the forums give an error when uploading dmp files so I can’t here.
Please create a new bug report with the required supporting information. The root cause for this issue is likely fixed. Do not bump very old bug reports with new bugs that have similar symptoms.