False Moderations in Avatar Bundle Purge

The avatar bundle purge that has been happening for the past 3 weeks has been largely affecting me and other UGC creators.

The seemingly automatic moderation system flags innocent avatar bundles as “inappropriate/suggestive content” and sometimes has a “insufficient modesty layer” note when the content clearly has a fully black, opaque modesty layer covering the entire lower torso.

This also gives the creator warnings and consecutive 1 day bans. Even upon appealing and restoring the content through the support form on the same day, the 1 day ban is not lifted.

Sometimes the content doesn’t get restored “within 3 business days” as stated in the support emails. (ex. these have still not been restored after 2 weeks)

Expected behavior

I expect my avatar bundles to not be falsely moderated by automatic means.

I expect to be unbanned after the content is appealed and restored on the same day.

I expect my avatar bundles to be restored within 3 business days as stated by Roblox Support.


Obviously I can’t really fix this since I’m not a moderator, or UGC creator.

But all I can say is I hope this will be fixed fast.

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There indeed has been a lot of moderation problem recently and I think it’s just not their priority but I wish ou luck on getting your bundles restored in due time !!


Thank you for the report. We have assigned this for our team to review.


I’ve been a long time user of your mini blocky R15 avatar bundles, a shame that they deleted it despite being fine for a whole year. Hope they restores yours + other creators

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