False positive with Sword Reach Check (RemoteEvents)

I want to make it so when the user equips their sword, it will make a local script fire the server, and then the server will print out if the players sword size is not equal to the regular sword size. I tested this with the regular sword size, but all it does is say “Void_Xiety’s sword appears to have a changed sword size. This users sword has been flagged with Red.” which makes no sense, since I made it so a variable holds the OG sword size, and it will check the size of the sword that I passed from the local script. Something doesn’t make sense, and I cannot seem to find my error.

Please help, this is probably a really simple fix, just point me in the right direction

Also I don’t care about RemoteEvent security right now, I just really need a fix for this particular issue.

If anything more is needed, let me know.

~~ Technical Area ~~

Local Script that is a Child of the “Sword” tool:

local SizeOfSword = script.Parent.Handle.Size


Script that attempts to print when the LocalScript from before is fired:

local RepStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ReachEvent = RepStorage.ReachFlag
local RegularSwordSize = "1, 0.8, 4"

local function onReachRecieved(player, SizeOfSword)
	local Size = SizeOfSword
	if Size ~= RegularSwordSize then
		print(player.Name.."'s sword appears to have a changed sword size. This users sword has been flagged with Red.")
		print(player.Names.."'s equipped sword seems alright! Regular sword size")


I’m new to RemoteEvents, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Right now you have RegularSwordSize equal to a string. Try changing it to Vector3.new(1, 0.8, 4)

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I will change this, and I will post if any issues further occur. Please do tell me if you notice any other flaw.

This worked, it now doesn’t show a false positive, but now I’m encountering another issue. It appears that whenever I change the Sword Size with the Studio Client, and not through the server perspective, it just says I’m using the normal sword size, when I’m not. How would I fix this…?

NEVERMIND! I fixed the issue. Thanks for reading this if you did. If another issue occurs, I will post here. Thanks a ton! For now, your post is the solution!

if your curious what I did, I moved the SizeOfSword variable in the Activated function on the sword :wink:

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