Falsely terminated for working in team create

Haven’t used twitter before, not getting any attention https://twitter.com/SpeakLua77035/status/1674117026732810240.
I might try contact somebody from dev relations though, any suggestions?

You could easily find them by looking through the posts on the devforum, made by staff. IDK anyone specifically myself.

Using LinkedIn, you don’t have to deal with people outsourced from the third world, but rather speak to a person directly overseeing the support team.


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It’s not only meshes that get moderated, though. All place updates (for team create that means every autosave) are scanned for things that can be inappropriate. Yes, Roblox now detects certain combinations of parts too.

Friend of mine got terminated this way for… inserting a model from the toolbox. Not to mention the model itself was reported by multiple users, multiple times. At some point they finally moderated it - they deleted the thumbnail (which was just a gray box) and named it [Content Deleted], but you could still insert the entire model as earlier…

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