Fan Logo For MeepCity

Wanted to share this with you people and tell me what you think about it.


It looks very clean and good, In fact, it is really cool and well-done, This would be a very cool and attractive logo for a Game. The only problem i have is that the colors and style doesn’t fit that well with meep city’s style, Maybe try adding some more color variety and also not just a blue squared background? Maybe add a screenshot/drawing from one of meepcity’s areas or mechanics as a background

Its a really good fan logo, i really like it, but as i said before, the colors and style don’t match that well. so if you could improve those, it would be a 10/10. That doesn’t mean its bad! its a 8.5/10 for me, Good job :+1:.

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Thank you! and I tried to make it similar to the meepcity logo right now which is white and blue.

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Add some more about meeps in it. Besides that, pretty cool, nice job.