Fantastic Frontier Development Update 12/27/2021

Hi everyone, Spectrabox here with an update on our current Fantastic Frontier developments.

Back in October we gave an estimate for when the new update will arrive of January 2022 or soon after.
While much work has been done since, and progress continues to be made, at this point I can unfortunately say that this date was a bit optimistic, and we will not be able to make a January release.
While this original date was just an estimate, I know many of you were still hoping for January, so I apologize to those of you who are let down.

As of right now, late February / March is looking to be a more realistic time frame of when you can expect the update to arrive.

I would love to be able to give an exact definitive release date well in advanced, to give you all the most time to prepare, but the reality is that the release date will probably come within a couple weeks to a month of the update’s actual release.
With only two of us developing the game, the amount of work we can get done in a certain time frame varies a lot - and it is difficult to know exactly how long things will take.
To be completely honest with you all, the past few months of work during the holidays have been less optimal than we would have liked, and we both wish we could have gotten more done, so again we would like to apologize.

With all of that said, the content of the update continues to be held to a very high standard, and we are very happy with how it is all turning out.
I know that when the update does arrive, it will be worth it - so, we continue to ask for your patience, with much awareness and gratitude of just how much patience and support has already been shown to us.

When the update is ready, we will make a very clear and definitive announcement of the release date.


As a side note, I also wanted to say a bit about the Pic of the Week posts we have been doing.

First of all, I hope you have enjoyed seeing, and theorizing over, the weekly screenshots - they will likely be continuing all the way up to the update’s release.
Admittedly though, we have had a bit of trouble balancing exactly how much to show with Pic of the Week, and I’d like to give a little insight.

Initially, I had thought of Pic of the Week as a way to show very small sneak peek type images, often with room for theory crafting. We quickly realized, however, that showing such small snippets of content doesn’t exactly do a great job of getting people excited for a massive update that has been hyped up as much as this one. So, we have been trying to adjust that balance to show a little more than we originally planned, with some more straightforward posts mixed in as well. We plan to keep ramping things up, showing bigger and bigger pieces of content as we get closer to release, as we do have much more to show.

In the end though, I do feel as though Fantastic Frontier is a game largely about exploration and discovery, so there are many things that will be kept a secret until you are able to experience them for yourself in-game.

I hope you all have had a nice holiday season so far, and wish you ​a happy and prosperous New Year.