Farewell Fellow Developers

I’ve been on an incredible journey with Roblox development since middle school, starting with no coding knowledge and gradually learning to create full games by my senior year of high school. Recently, I revisited one of my older projects, hoping to find new success. However, despite my efforts, things didn’t work out as I’d hoped. While there are strategies like investing in ads, building a social media presence, or collaborating with smaller creators, I’ve realized that I don’t have the time or mental capacity to sustain constant updates or promotion. Through this experience, I’ve learned to accept that it’s okay if things don’t go as planned. What truly matters are the invaluable skills and experiences I’ve gained along the way.

Roblox game development has been a transformative part of my life. It gave me an escape during a time when I struggled to fit in, providing a space where I could express my creativity and feel a sense of worth. As my skills grew, so did my expectations, and I fell into the trap of comparing myself to other developers who found greater success with projects similar to mine. This mindset turned my passion into a quest for validation, which ultimately drained the joy from something I once loved. Over time, as I’ve grown into young adulthood, I’ve come to realize that even though I didn’t find success through games, Roblox as a development platform has given me the tools I need to work toward my career goals.

Today, I’m stepping away from game development on Roblox—not as a defeat, but as a choice to prioritize my well-being and appreciate the other accomplishments I’ve achieved outside of this platform. To anyone reading this: don’t be afraid to walk away from something you once wanted. It’s okay to step back and acknowledge when something isn’t working, because growth doesn’t always come from success—it comes from the journey you took to get there. I don’t know what the future holds, but for now, I’m stepping away and leaving my game development group in the hands of a trusted friend. Please continue to follow your development aspirations, even when times get rocky. I wish you all success.


Farewell, friend. Hopefully, you shall find success later on in your life.
(By the way, change the topic so the post won’t get deleted)

This is a tragedy. The Roblox community will never be the same without your grace.

Okay but seriously that speech was fire oh my god. :fire::speaking_head:

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I have projects from many years ago that I took off of my main group because of the quality. Again even if I did get a game going at this point in my life I dont think I have the mental capacity of maintain them. Im an Engineering major with 2 part times and a robotics coach Im cooked for the next few years right now.

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If you have no time than I understand, I can work on roblox 8-12 hours a day if I want since i earn money to live outside roblox by selling stuff online, so the situation is a bit different, my goal is to live off of roblox, try again in few years when you have more time.

It’s great to hear that things are working out for you. I kinda rushed my main message but one of the things I struggled with was the whole validation thing that my games aren’t worth anything because nobody played them, pretty extreme right? I’m not too sad about stepping away for now because I still have the same love for doing projects outside of roblox with hardware and other computer applications all thanks to this platform and its amazing community. Right now for me again its just the time management and overall midset that the value of my work is not based on a player count. I will definitely come back in the near future and use all the stills I hope to take away from my classes and I hope that you will continue to make progress for your future endeavors!!

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