Hey guys! I’m looking for feedback on my farming game! It’s still in alpha but I’d like to get some feedback to help me finish the game. :imagine:
I’m currently planning on finishing the lobby (Adding shops and other NPCs), implementing private servers (pay 50 R$ for access (and get access to your own saving private server and anyone else that will give you their server access code), adding more buildings, adding more crops, adding animals and adding in NPCs to work at your farm.
UPDATE: School is approaching and so is beta! I will consider the game ‘beta’ after I release personal farms
Just been checking it out, and I’ve got to say this is coming along very nicely. What you could do in future version is ‘tool’ upgrades, so you can mine rocks faster, cut trees faster and such.
Overall, it works very nicely and is coming along really well. Looking forward to seeing it be updated in the future.
Thank you! I am currently working on tool upgrades actually. I will be reducing the default damage from 4 to 2 and have a game pass to add 2 more damage. There will also be in game purchases with FarmBux to improve your tools even more.
I was playing it yesterday and got an error in ControlScrip line 7, which caused the list of buildings to not appear in build mode. Something was nil IIRC. Was supposed to post this yesterday but forgot.
It annoys me how it is more profitable to run around mining small rocks than mining big rocks. Small rocks basically give you one stone for one click, whereas big rocks only give 9 rocks for 64 clicks.
The terrain is kind of boring. You might want to make it more attractive by adding heights and possibly things like small pools of water. It would even be better if you are able to make some kind of terrain generator.
Placing things is a bit laggy.
Good things:
The examine tool is really useful.
It’s great to see that there’s already a nice way for players to work together.
I love the sounds and the animations.
Chopping/mining things is really easy. I expected the hitboxes to be way smaller, but you surprised me.
Make it possible to scroll up/down screens by pressing buttons. It would make it easier to build things.
As stated in the bad things, try to improve the terrain generation.
State machines work nicely to prevent this [/quote]
yolo I do need to work on that though. Most of the GUIs work seperately right now I’ll probably just dissable the dynamic GUI system (Yellow text and barn) while the shop it open and not let the shop open while a dynamic GUI is open.
[quote] I’ll start with some bad things:
It annoys me how it is more profitable to run around mining small rocks than mining big rocks. Small rocks basically give you one stone for one click, whereas big rocks only give 9 rocks for 64 clicks.
The terrain is kind of boring. You might want to make it more attractive by adding heights and possibly things like small pools of water. It would even be better if you are able to make some kind of terrain generator.
Placing things is a bit laggy.
Good things:
The examine tool is really useful.
It’s great to see that there’s already a nice way for players to work together.
I love the sounds and the animations.
Chopping/mining things is really easy. I expected the hitboxes to be way smaller, but you surprised me.
Make it possible to scroll up/down screens by pressing buttons. It would make it easier to build things.
As stated in the bad things, try to improve the terrain generation. [/quote]
I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll be improving resource values over time and I think you made a great suggestion for change. I just wish I could make the value of small rocks less without using decimals :emo-angst:
I’m limited in terrain generation due to using Region3s for collision. For the current version of the game I do not expect to revisit the terrain generation as I still have a bunch of stuff to do I appreciate the feedback though.
Placing lag is due to RemoteFunctions/FilteringEnabled/NetworkLag.
Thanks for the positive feedback I don’t know what you mean by animations as I haven’t made any The sounds took forever to find on the audio catalog Large hitboxes for the win!
Oh, and please make the tool selection more fluid.
-Theres an annoying delay you have to wait every time you want to switch to the next tool while scrolling through them (this adds up when finding a tool on the other side of the wheel…)
-Considering the user experience, it would be better if you used some other method of displaying the available tools. While the wheel is cool, its usability is lower than it could be because you cant see all the tools you have at the same time, so you dont know which direction to rotate the wheel or how far. This also prevents you from adding possible future features like displaying some fancy notification on a tool when its not selected or having hotkeys (since hotkeys are difficult to use if you cant see which tool had which hotkey)
[quote] Oh, and please make the tool selection more fluid.
-Theres an annoying delay you have to wait every time you want to switch to the next tool while scrolling through them (this adds up when finding a tool on the other side of the wheel…)
-Considering the user experience, it would be better if you used some other method of displaying the available tools. While the wheel is cool, its usability is lower than it could be because you cant see all the tools you have at the same time, so you dont know which direction to rotate the wheel or how far. This also prevents you from adding possible future features like displaying some fancy notification on a tool when its not selected or having hotkeys (since hotkeys are difficult to use if you cant see which tool had which hotkey) [/quote]
Hmm, good points. For the time being I will just reduce the time between tools to .2 seconds (to enable quick switching).
[quote] Very nice game. I actually enjoyed it despite it still being early in development.
If you place two fences next to each other, they overlap, thus causing some texture glitches. That might be a minor but nice fix. [/quote]
Thank you!
I’m aware of that and not quite sure how I will go about fixing it. I can probably come up with some complicated fence pole fix in the future but it’s not worth the trouble considering the game is no completed
I’ve been playing your game, and I must say I find it satisfying running around trying to hoard resources. I soon discovered that the best way to gather wood quickly is to demolish old buildings by players who’ve left the server.
I love where this game is going, and I’m excited for private servers to be released so I can spend time customizing my land with buildings and crops and stuff, and be satisfied knowing they’ll still be around when I get back.
-Remove the wheel, and replace it with a bar across the bottom of your screen. The bar can be scrolled like the wheel is now (with the hotkeys) to the left and right. At any time the bar will display all your tools, and when a tool goes off-screen when scrolled, it tweens back on-screen on the opposite side. This will allow you to basically maintain your current system while making all tools visible at once.
-Add a manual of some kind. A wiki-like Gui that describes each tool and building, and even has a list of farm resources, their sizes and yield, would be incredibly helpful. Perhaps make the section on farm resources available through a Gamepass.
-Add icons above player’s heads. I zoom out and I have a hard time seeing other players. Making a Gui button to toggle little icons above other players would be nice.
-Add a river that flows through the map, and make it so you can fish in it.
I do plan on redoing the tool wheel The paid access section of the manual is a great idea The icons are a new suggestion. I’ve been reluctant to add water to the game. I do plan on the sell all button eventually
While I was mining and cutting down trees it teleported me and everyone else in the server to the shop area all of the sudden, not sure if thats some sort of bug or not. if not then maybe add a little heads up before doing so?