Fast and Safe Roblox Chat

Hey guys! I’ve been working on a new Roblox chat system that is faster, easier, and less ugly.

Right now its in pre-beta and costs money, however it will eventually become free once all the bugs have been stomped out.

Here’s a video of what it looks like right now.
robloxapp-20210808-1338360.wmv (2.1 MB)

The chat comes with a chat filter, draggability, and a lot less lag or downtime when the Roblox filters are loaded.

For pricing and ordering information, click HERE!

I’d like to see your all’s feedback and what I should, fix/add.


the ui doesn’t look very clean. i mean, roblox’s doesnt look much better, but i feel like you should’ve gone with more of a modern style than something out of an adopt me knockoff


no ofeense btw that’s just my thoughts


Fair enough. I’ll work on it. Thanks.

I agree with @worstrbx, but other than that it’s alright.

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I went ahead and built a small info website about pricing and how to order.

Check it out here