Fast Cast Module Gun / Bullet Bug Can't shoot same point or nearby wall

Hey, the problem is; With the Fast Cast Module If I shoot with gun at a nearby wall or at a point I’ve already fired at, the bullet will go behind me, How can I disable/fix it? I will be glad if someone can help


Mouse.TargetFilter And make a folder with these bullets.

What system are you using to aim the gun? You should be preferably using ViewportPointToRay and not Mouse.Hit or raycast

I already maked that

My first gun making experience, I would appreciate if you tell me if there is a part that I did wrong.


Fast Cast Redux And PartCache Modules

I would appreciate if someone can help who knows Fast Cast Ray Module, the problem still persists.

I’m not sure about this, That’s something to do with the Module itself. (as it automatically calculates it and the way it calculates) The best thing i could recommend you is to Filter the LocalPlayer & it’s Character together with the other Instances. Another thing you could do is to Raycast every Frame to check if the Gun is Overlaping any Objects and move it forward.