Fast flags are being used as cheats

I personally make use of all these shortcuts on a regular basis to grab screenshots when we have in-game events at our experiences to memorialise the occasion and for marketing purpose (socials, thumbnails…).

There’s no other viable alternative at this moment in time other than coding these in ourselves, but the Roblox one works great out of the box.

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I wish some FFlags will be kept intact, especially:
“DFIntCanHideGuiGroupId”: “5611222”,
“FFlagUserShowGuiHideToggles”: “True”,
“FFlagGuiHidingApiSupport2”: “True”
I really like the ability to disable certain types of UIs locally in-game. I hate how so many games don’t have a feature to hide distracting UI objects, and these FFlags make it so certain types of UI can be toggled within the native settings menu, it’s essential! :>
I just wish some FFlags like this won’t be removed :frowning:


Personally, I like the FFlagSoundsUsePhysicalVelocity flag because it adds variety to normally static sounds. Also it’s real fun in some games.


This is unfortunately a major problem since some FFlags are being used as a cheats instead of FPS boost or testing and from my knowledge about fastflags being used as a cheat is ESP, so yeah this is a problem and hopefully Roblox will soon able to fix things out.

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Just use color correction and set brightness to 0, or blur.

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(post deleted by author)

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interpolation was patched this week when roblox updated
its broken

If flags aren’t going to be able to be modified client wise, at least give us the option to use render backend of our choice. Vulkan performs far better than D3D11 ever has. I have far less FPS lows and a more stable (and higher) frame rate.


not sure what bloxstrap has anything to do with this

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Abusive fast flags became a major issue in my game and instead of focusing on more serious tasks I am rewriting my already strong anti cheat. For example the noclip one literally forced me to implement a server sided detection (of course along with the client one as a backup) as nothing else worked, even checking if the player can collide with a part, monitoring collision groups etc. All fast flags should be restricted immediately with no exceptions. I assume that Roblox engineers have better things to do than making sure if a specific fflag cannot be abused or used for others disadvantage. If fast flags are not planned to be removed or restricted anytime soon, I would really appreciate if settings():GetFFlag() usage was permitted in LocalScripts so we would be able to detect if someone is messing with them (but not set them!).


This opinion is just wrong (i dont normally claim opinions as incorrect) and if this is implemented alot of people won’t even be able to play the game anymore. Especially with the fact this was already said:

you probably just have a god tier pc and only care about your game, and not people being able to play roblox

You don’t know how bad my game looks with display scaling and without fflags, not to mention performance.


Likely won’t be happening since children don’t know what they’re doing.

So you are saying that some people can’t play roblox without fast flags - a feature meant to be used for debugging by the engineers? I can somewhat understand that but let’s be honest, nowadays most people use them for different purposes not just making their client run or look better. My opinion is based on my development experience, for us fast flags are not something we appreciate when people use in our game. That’s why for now the best idea would be allowing LocalScripts to check if user has a specific fast flag enabled and if so, take proper action if abusive or adjust some in-game options if just appearance related.

That’s exactly what I’m saying and I get why it sounds ridiculous, but some of these are features that should be implemented into the actual settings if you think about it.

This is true, but a higher majority of players use them to run the already poorly optimized engine or improve visual features.

Just curious, what are your specs? A majority of the playerbase are teens and even children that cannot afford to upgrade and are stuck with a bad cpu/gpu, even people running on a 4090 get mid performance.

Don’t think they’d allow reading an internal feature like that if we can’t even read FPS values. Even if so, you’re disabling the action of the internal fflag and creating your own behavior for them, which is still limited because fflags allow you to do stuff like having a low graphics quality with high render distance, which the game can’t change through scripting and would need workarounds.

Yet another reason I want ZFeatureHarmony, even if it was a test and buggy, some fflags show it’s possible and proves they were working on it.

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Unfortunately I wouldn’t say so, most people use them for disturbing others gameplay rather than that.

My pc is probably worse than yours and I didnt really need to enable any fastflags, nor have I noticed any performance improvement when enabled some of them.

Well then I hope they will eventually do, I may make a feature request about it if it hasn’t been mentioned already.

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I have friends that have gotten 40 fps on a stock pc when trying to play roblox before I optimized it tbh, and I still have a pc that struggles a little with the game, i use a better laptop rn and it still struggles to reach its refresh rate at times


Yes, I personally use the FFlag “DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride” with the value set to 1 so that I can play most games especially games that require a high render distance smoothly. Otherwise I would be forced to play on graphics quality level 1 or 2 with extremely low render distance and wouldn’t be able to play half of the games that I am playing right now. All of the other FFlags that I am using are just cosmetic related or can be compensated. I am forced to do this because Roblox refuse to provide us with advanced graphics quality controls that most games offer including Minecraft that a lot of children play. So unless Roblox provides us with that I would be forced to continue using this FFlag just to play games that require high render distance smoothly.

I don’t think that the majority of people who adjust their FFlags use them for cheating purposes, I have barely seen anyone doing that. These FFlags are barely that good tbh.

It’s better to talk about how free and reliable exploits still exist on Windows PCs even after Hyperion being launched since 2 years ago. You might argue that a lot of exploits are now gone but then new exploits have replaced them and some of them are as powerful as the pre-Hyperion exploits. I don’t know if it is just me but I have noticed that the performance of Roblox have gotten worse ever since Hyperion got launched while it being underperforming in terms of preventing exploiting and exploits.


Ikr, never said that the exploits are completely gone but fast flags make it incredibly easy to cheat without having to download any potentially malicious software. This make cheats widely accessible and it’s just the matter of time for more and more people to realise. It all can be easily prevented by removing fastlags or keeping just a few actually not abusive ones public. I can understand your case but I’m pretty sure some kids would argue that fflags should be left in the current state as they enjoy their freecam and noclip.

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I am not completely sure if the ability to adjust client FFlags is going to be completely removed or if Roblox will just set some FFlags that can be adjusted while preventing the adjustment of others because two engineers @Bitdancer and @Dogekidd2012 are saying two different things.

Here DogeKidd2012 said that it’s simply not sustainable for them and would require that they play a cat and mouse game to only set specific FFlags that can be adjustable and preventing the adjustment of others and would require them to constantly make sure that specific FFlags can’t be abused.

He also said here that they plan to disable the ability for people to change their own flags locally in the client.

While here Bitdancer confirmed that Roblox will decide which FFlags that users will be able to modify in the future.

But it seems to me that Roblox is just planning to disable the ability for people to change their client FFlags and not whitelist and blacklist specific FFlags that can or cannot be adjusted. While the former is definitely better and easier for Roblox and for developers, it would be very bad for people who adjust their FFlags for good intentions for example to improve performance like me.

So I would really like for them to add alternative ways to adjust these features like adding advanced graphics quality controls instead of having to use “DFIntDebugFRMQualityLevelOverride” and also add better screenshoting features so we wouldn’t have the need to use FFlags to take screenshots without Roblox CoreGUI, player names and developer UI.

I would be happy if they do that and wouldn’t complain at all if they disable the ability for people to adjust client FFlags but offer alternative ways to adjust useful and good faith FFlags.


i hope a “Feature Flags” menu will be available that allows you change more settings directly within the Universal App’s Settings page.

Most web browsers already have this, so it would be beneficial to us (users) & hopefully be available on mobile like Safari on iOS or Chrome on Android.

it would house whitelisted flags, and i prefer @Bitdancer’s approach in this thread

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