Fast Food Simulator [HIRING SCRIPTER]

Fast food Simulator

About us

Hey we are an upcoming game development studio named Nemesis Developments

The Team
@ThaDiamondKing - Builder
@Vacant - Scripter

About The Job

The game is about owning a fast food restaurant, it’ll have a large map involving many npcs to do quests, jobs and to expand your business. I’ll go in depth if you’re interested in this job.


I will be paying in percentages at this moment of time it’ll be negotiated on discord however I’m willing to do 20%+

Contact Us

You must be very experienced for this job. And at least 15 years of age+.

You can contact me on devforum or preferably discord which is Em#0986

I hope to be hearing from you soon! Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


if you’re going to be the game designer and share the revenue with another person then you could just have a simple 50% - 50% there, also… there’s a big chance your game won’t get that popular which will lower the earnings since there are a bunch of simulators on the platform as of now

I won’t be able to do 50-50 as I’ll be leaving some in the group for ads and more. It’s up for negotiation though.

scripter makes the game function, you’ll hardly get anyone who will agree with under 50-50 percent in game earnings, advertising the game is another thing, and game earnings is another, you’re saying in the post that you’ll be paying the percentage of game earnings, 50-50 is only fair in this kind of thing and especially since there’s a slight chance the game will get far, you’re advertising the game with the robux you have but you’re paying the scripter with the robux you earned from the game, anyways, good luck! :smiley:

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I’m interested! I think I will be able to do this half-time, contact me on discord if you think this is a good job for me. (very epic vector#9943

20%? What are you doing? Only Building? Then split it 50/50.

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For a scripter to script an ENTIRE GAME, 20% is way too low. You’d have a very hard time finding a scripter. Go atleast 50% and then I might consider it.

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