So, I have this server script with a speedrunTime, which works on the runServices Heartbeat. I want a gui that displays the same amount as the server is counting, but I don’t want to send 60 remote events per second. Does anyone know waht to do to keep it the exact same?
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u can create numbervalue in replicatedstorage then from client get this value
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If you want to do this per client, you can create an attribute on each new player instance and rapidly update the value while having the client update the GUI using GetAttributeChangedSignal.
Otherwise, you can just create one Attribute on a Service such as ReplicatedStorage and have the client copy the value the same way.
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You’ve got 2 options:
could be used to send the time to the client 60 times per second, anUnreliableRemoteEvent
occupies less network traffic and have less latency, with the drawback that they are, not all the times, received and that the arguments you pass onto them might not be in correct order. Although, you will fire them 60 times a second, so it doesn’t matter if some packets are lost - You can just send one event to the client to tell it to start counting up, that way it keeps track of time on its own, the disadvantage is that this wont be exactly synchronized with server time
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