How to fast way to kill players?
(NOT Humanoid.Health = 0)
If you want to kill all the players you might wanna try this
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
If v.Character then
local health = v.Character.Humanoid.Health
health = health - health
I am not asking this question
Do you mean fast but not instant? If so then you can just repeat Humanoid:TakeDamage(1) repeatedly in a for loop or whatever method you want.
Oh I mean instant!
There are many ways to kill a player but the fastest that i can think of is this
Character.Humanoid.Health = Character.Humanoid.Health - Character.Humanoid.Health
This is the fastest because it instantly kills a player when they join the game
But I hope is instant respawn!
If you want to make the players respawn fast you might want to adjust the properties of player’s respawn time in the Players tab in the explorer
Okay thank you!
No problem! Goodluck with your dev career !!
You know that you can just use Player:LoadCharacter()
on the server to instantly respawn them right?
It just respawns the player’s character instantly without having to change the respawn time.
Omg, it works! Thank you very much!