FastCast Laggy With Projectile Models

As far as I can tell, the FastCast Module is slightly laggy when modifying it to use models or meshes as a projectile. Does anybody know if there’s anyway that I can fix this, or if there is a better alternative that works well with using models/meshes as projectiles? I’ve seen multiple games that use FastCast for their projectiles and it functions smoothly as intended, but I highly doubt that people are using a single part for their projectile so I’m wondering how they get it done.

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There is a module called PartCache which is frequently combined with FastCache. Haven’t got a link for it at the mo, but you can find it on the DevForum.

How many Parts in the Model are you talking about? Two, three, or 100?
How many tris does your MeshPart have?

More Parts or tris = more work for the program to figure out. Other properties like CanTouch or CanQuery for Parts can be made false, or CollisionFidelity set to Box for MeshParts so there are less physics calculations required.

Yeah, I’m using PartCache already. The lag I’m talking about is when the projectile is fired and the trajectory is being simulated, which is handled by FastCast. I noticed that when using a model or mesh as a projectile, there is a slight jittery-ness in the trajectory.

I have different projectile models that vary in part count, but at most there are probably 5 parts in a given model. The tri count for the meshes are also relatively low. Making the CollisionFidelity set to Box and turning CanTouch to false does seem to help a little bit though.

When you spawn the model, are you setting model.PrimaryPart:SetNetworkOwner(nil)?

You are probably firing the bullet on the server side, which will cause it to slightly stutter/lag.
Here’s how I fixed it.

On the server, fire the caster without the bullet. When it hits something I use the data to do stuff, like damage.
On the client, fire the caster + bullet, replicate to all clients. This shows the bullet firing, very smooth