FastCast rotation help

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    To make my bullet rotate in FastCast API (
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    Since it’s a library (i didn’t make it) i have no idea where do i put bullet rotation line
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I searched throughout the library, i did look for solutions but found none
    After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you! Yes, the goal is to implement rotation line somewhere in the library to make the bullet rotate.
-- This is an example Lua code block

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

I’m assuming by rotate you mean spin like how the grooves in the barrel of a gun spin a bullet? If I were you I would just not use fastcast, and make my own system. It’s easier than you think, and you’ll feel good about making it yourself. Dont be afraid to try!

No… I’m doing gun throw and i want it to rotate/spin using fastcast

Update: It’s probably somewhere there
function Caster, origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3, velocity: Vector3 | number, castDataPacket: FastCastBehavior): ActiveCast
if typeof(velocity) == “number” then
velocity = direction.Unit * velocity

-- Basic setup
local cast = {
	Caster = caster,
	-- Data that keeps track of what's going on as well as edits we might make during runtime.
	StateInfo = {
		UpdateConnection = nil,
		Paused = false,
		TotalRuntime = 0,
		DistanceCovered = 0,
		HighFidelitySegmentSize = castDataPacket.HighFidelitySegmentSize,
		HighFidelityBehavior = castDataPacket.HighFidelityBehavior,
		IsActivelySimulatingPierce = false,
		IsActivelyResimulating = false,
		CancelHighResCast = false,
		Trajectories = {
				StartTime = 0,
				EndTime = -1,
				Origin = origin,
				InitialVelocity = velocity,
				Acceleration = castDataPacket.Acceleration
	-- Information pertaining to actual raycasting.
	RayInfo = {
		Parameters = castDataPacket.RaycastParams,
		WorldRoot = workspace,
		MaxDistance = castDataPacket.MaxDistance or 1000,
		CosmeticBulletObject = castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletTemplate, -- This is intended. We clone it a smidge of the way down.
		CanPierceCallback = castDataPacket.CanPierceFunction
	UserData = {}

if cast.StateInfo.HighFidelityBehavior == 2 then
	cast.StateInfo.HighFidelityBehavior = 3

if cast.RayInfo.Parameters ~= nil then
	cast.RayInfo.Parameters = CloneCastParams(cast.RayInfo.Parameters)
	cast.RayInfo.Parameters =

local usingProvider = false
if castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletProvider == nil then
	-- The provider is nil. Use a cosmetic object clone.
	if cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject ~= nil then
		cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject = cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject:Clone()
		cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject.CFrame =, origin + direction)
		cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject.Parent = castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletContainer
	-- The provider is not nil.
	-- Is it what we want?
	if typeof(castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletProvider) == "PartCache" then
		-- this modded version of typeof is implemented up top.
		-- Aside from that, yes, it's a part cache. Good to go!
		if cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject ~= nil then
			-- They also set the template. Not good. Warn + clear this up.
			warn("Do not define FastCastBehavior.CosmeticBulletTemplate and FastCastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider at the same time! The provider will be used, and CosmeticBulletTemplate will be set to nil.")
			cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject = nil
			castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletTemplate = nil

		cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject = castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletProvider:GetPart()
		cast.RayInfo.CosmeticBulletObject.CFrame =, origin + direction)
		usingProvider = true
		warn("FastCastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider was not an instance of the PartCache module (an external/separate model)! Are you inputting an instance created via If so, are you on the latest version of PartCache? Setting FastCastBehavior.CosmeticBulletProvider to nil.")
		castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletProvider = nil

local targetContainer: Instance;
if usingProvider then
	targetContainer = castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletProvider.CurrentCacheParent
	targetContainer = castDataPacket.CosmeticBulletContainer

if castDataPacket.AutoIgnoreContainer == true and targetContainer ~= nil then
	local ignoreList = cast.RayInfo.Parameters.FilterDescendantsInstances
	if table.find(ignoreList, targetContainer) == nil then
		table.insert(ignoreList, targetContainer)
		cast.RayInfo.Parameters.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignoreList

local event
if RunService:IsClient() then
	event = RunService.RenderStepped
	event = RunService.Heartbeat

setmetatable(cast, ActiveCastStatic)

cast.StateInfo.UpdateConnection = event:Connect(function (delta)
	if cast.StateInfo.Paused then return end
	PrintDebug("Casting for frame.")
	local latestTrajectory = cast.StateInfo.Trajectories[#cast.StateInfo.Trajectories]
	if (cast.StateInfo.HighFidelityBehavior == 3 and latestTrajectory.Acceleration ~= and cast.StateInfo.HighFidelitySegmentSize > 0) then
		local timeAtStart = tick()
		if cast.StateInfo.IsActivelyResimulating then
			error("Cascading cast lag encountered! The caster attempted to perform a high fidelity cast before the previous one completed, resulting in exponential cast lag. Consider increasing HighFidelitySegmentSize.")
		cast.StateInfo.IsActivelyResimulating = true
		-- Actually want to calculate this early to find displacement
		local origin = latestTrajectory.Origin
		local totalDelta = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - latestTrajectory.StartTime
		local initialVelocity = latestTrajectory.InitialVelocity
		local acceleration = latestTrajectory.Acceleration
		local lastPoint = GetPositionAtTime(totalDelta, origin, initialVelocity, acceleration)
		local lastVelocity = GetVelocityAtTime(totalDelta, initialVelocity, acceleration)
		local lastDelta = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - latestTrajectory.StartTime
		cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime += delta
		-- Recalculate this.
		totalDelta = cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime - latestTrajectory.StartTime
		local currentPoint = GetPositionAtTime(totalDelta, origin, initialVelocity, acceleration)
		local currentVelocity = GetVelocityAtTime(totalDelta, initialVelocity, acceleration) 
		local totalDisplacement = currentPoint - lastPoint -- This is the displacement from where the ray was on the last from to where the ray is now.
		local rayDir = totalDisplacement.Unit * currentVelocity.Magnitude * delta
		local targetWorldRoot = cast.RayInfo.WorldRoot
		local resultOfCast = targetWorldRoot:Raycast(lastPoint, rayDir, cast.RayInfo.Parameters)
		local point = currentPoint
		if (resultOfCast ~= nil) then
			point = resultOfCast.Position
		local rayDisplacement = (point - lastPoint).Magnitude
		-- Now undo this. The line below in the for loop will add this time back gradually.
		cast.StateInfo.TotalRuntime -= delta
		-- And now that we have displacement, we can calculate segment size.
		local numSegmentsDecimal = rayDisplacement / cast.StateInfo.HighFidelitySegmentSize -- say rayDisplacement is 5.1, segment size is 0.5 -- 10.2 segments
		local numSegmentsReal = math.floor(numSegmentsDecimal) -- 10 segments + 0.2 extra segments
		if (numSegmentsReal == 0) then
			numSegmentsReal = 1
		local timeIncrement = delta / numSegmentsReal
		for segmentIndex = 1, numSegmentsReal do
			if getmetatable(cast) == nil then return end -- Could have been disposed.
			if cast.StateInfo.CancelHighResCast then
				cast.StateInfo.CancelHighResCast = false
			PrintDebug("[" .. segmentIndex .. "] Subcast of time increment " .. timeIncrement)
			SimulateCast(cast, timeIncrement, true)
		if getmetatable(cast) == nil then return end -- Could have been disposed.
		cast.StateInfo.IsActivelyResimulating = false
		if (tick() - timeAtStart) > 0.016 * 5 then
			warn("Extreme cast lag encountered! Consider increasing HighFidelitySegmentSize.")
		SimulateCast(cast, delta, false)

return cast
