Faster workflow for toggling whether a script tab is temporary or not

The temporary script tab feature is useful because it lets me quickly navigate through large numbers of scripts without them staying open and cluttering the tab bar.

However, when I begin working I typically use Ctrl+P to open a specific script I know that I will want to keep open. Similarly I may be navigating through a bunch of tabs, but want to be able to choose whether a tab stays open or not (e.g. I’m searching the code but there’s a lot of irrelevant results so I only want to keep tabs which are relevant open). These are situations where I want to be able to quickly “dock” a tab (make it not-temporary).

Currently, I am aware of two methods to “dock” a tab:

  1. Right click on the tab and press the “Dock Tab” button in the context menu. This is inefficient because I need to take my mouse hand off the keyboard and make two precise clicks.
  2. Make an edit to a script. This is fine for “docking”, but it inhibits the utility of the entire temporary script tab feature as I frequently get cluttered by making small changes to large numbers of scripts. I would like to be able to disable this – we can use the commits panel to see an overview of all the script changes that have been made, we don’t need the tab clutter.

Also, once a script tab has been “docked”, the only way it can be made “temporary” is by closing and reopening the script. Which means we can’t quickly toggle between the two states.

My workflow for these would be better if we had three things:

  1. A hotkey for toggling whether a script tab is “temporary” or “docked” (just the option to add a custom hotkey would be fine).

  2. A “make temporary” button in the tab’s context menu when the tab is in the “docked” state.

  3. An option to disable automatic tab “docking” when edits are made to a script.