Fastest and easiest way to fill large terrains with the Roblox Terrain Editor

Hello there developers! I hope you are all alright during this rough quarantine period. So I have a problem and I would need some advices/help.

So I am trying to fill an empty terrain/air with roblox water terrain. The problem here is that the size of the terrain I am trying to fill is really really really huge. Since with the Roblox terrain editor there is a size limit with the “Fill” option, it would take me a very long time to fill the terrain.

So I would like to know if there is any way that I can fill this easily and the most fastest possible. Or if there is any plugin that can make me achieve that.



Hey MrStebastien,

I’m glad you asked, I remember going through a similar situation as you have. In my case at least, I tackled this scenario by using a plugin called part to terrain. Essentially, you’ll be able to replace parts with terrain including water with a few clicks of a button.

I hope this helps you with your situation, good luck! :v:

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Hi!! Thank you for your advice! I will try that out and let you know if it works! Have a great day!

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If that doesn’t work, you could try using region3.

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There is a new easy method to do this now. Roblox came out with an update a few months ago revamping the terrain system. There is an option called “sea level” which is expandable with no limit. You can view that post here. There is a video showing how it works as well. Using part 2 terrain is more difficult and less efficient than using sea level.

Thank you for your advice! I will try that out and let you know if it works!

Try part to terrain here is a tutorial if you don’t know how to

Let me explain if you don’t understand turkish

  1. Add a part called “tpart”

  2. Add a script into workspace and then copy paste this script;

local WorkS = game:GetService(“Workspace”)

WorkS.Terrain:FillBlock(WorkS.tpart.CFrame,WorkS.tpart.Size,Enum.Material.Water) — You can change the material to whatever you want

  1. Resize the part much as you want and change the parts transparency to 1 (Optional)

Hello! I just tried that out and it worked! Thank you for your help!

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No problem! I’m glad I could help. :slightly_smiling_face: