[OPEN] | Fasty | UI Designer

My name is @Fas_ty35 and I’m offering my services as a UI designer. I’m excited about UI design and I’m happy to start working with others.

I’m the owner of the UI Designers of Roblox and Fasty Studios.


Sign in Screen

Profile Picker

Inspiration: Feedback on custom Roblox app UI

Profile Picker

Group Logos

Group Logosimage

Admin Panel

Admin Panel

Garage Upgrade

Inspiration: Driving Simulator


I have the right to deny or cancel a order

You may not cancel an order when it’s near completion

If you tell me to change the design repetitively, I may cancel your order

You must be 13+ to order

I only accept Robux as payment


Size Price
Small 50
Medium 100
Large 200


Availability = :green_circle:

:green_circle: = Available

:red_circle: = Not available



Rate my portfolio

1 = Worse
5 = Best
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0 voters


Bro put down “website ui” not “ui” its a misconception that you do roblox UIS

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I think they do both website and roblox, unsure.

Like the design for a website not on roblox, such as the mental health app, that is not on roblox.

This is not the place to advertise external services.

This is the Roblox Developer Forum, it’s not meant for web design.

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What does the title mean by free lol, the prices section all cost money xD

You don’t have any showcase examples…?

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Do you make roblox UIs, if so, can you make some for a game in my group Classics Remake?

Is there a reason why you would contact Roblox over someone failing to pay you?

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Alright thanks for clearing it up! I wasn’t sure if failing to pay would be something of matter to Roblox.

I will do it in a DM. (this is to take up space)

I don’t like it now that you’ve removed your portfolio headers and instead changed it to giant titles.

I don’t think you need a Back to Top button, I have never seen anyone else have one on their portfolio.

A Q&A really isn’t needed, I would tell people when you started making UI though.

Also, one item in the Showcase won’t be enough for most people and to be honest, you don’t change your font weight for different parts of the Admin Panel and the colour scheme definitely needs improvement.

Is your portfolio supposed to look like this or is it a bug?


Edit: I just realised you’ve put the text in white.

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Roblox doesn’t cover development scams…


I don’t really know what is happening in the replies but can you make me a GUI shp please? or was this just an example?

I’m going to be honest but I don’t think @Fas_ty35 even has any experience yet from importing UI from Lunacy into Studio (but I have seen some of their UI and it is simplicitic and I believe they would probably be able to do it)

This makes no sense lol

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Can you do something like this for me

Once again. Add more detail.
Like, by when do you want it finished, what is the payment etc. etc. Also, be more specific. Color, shape and contrast in general.
I know this person said “free”, but still. Detail is crucial.