Fate Related Game, against TOS?

I am unsure if this is the right place to ask this. I have a question about my game idea.

I plan to make a game where if you win, you can select someone’s fate (elimination, debuff, or positive) until there is only 1 player remaining in the game.

I am not sure if Roblox ToS allow this, from the Targeting and Harassment part as fate can be giving a person a negative debuff multiple time.

I am thinking that it will be fine, but I am also looking into making it so a player can not be picked 3 times in a row. Is this game idea fine or not?

This shouldn’t be against TOS, so yeah it’s ok.

Thank you for the information!

Should I still proceed with this or will it be fine without this?

You can proceed, it doesn’t really matter.

I know of another Game that did this, and it’s also pretty popular, it isn’t the same but it’s very similar, if you win you can choose people to be eliminated and they will have to get trough a challenge and the winner will survive and the tiebreaker kicked out, so you should be fine

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