Favicon does not display on documentation site

Reproduction Steps

  1. Visit Roblox Creator Documentation
  2. There is no favicon displayed.

What is a favicon?

Expected Behavior

I expect it to show the favicon.

Actual Behavior
It shows the ‘no icon’ icon.
Firefox on Mac
Firefox on Mac

To my knowledge, this is only happening on Firefox desktop
Firefox on Android
Firefox on Android

Google Chrome on Mac
Google Chrome on Mac

Creator Dashboard on Google Chrome on Mac
Creator Dashboard on Google Chrome on Mac

Change this line of code from
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/docs/assets/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/assets/favicon.ico">

Issue Area: Documentation Site
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly


Seems fine to me, clear your cache for that website.

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It does still not work for me.
Are you using Firefox?

Using chrome, looks like a browser issue, I can reproduce in firefox.

Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.

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:ballot_box_with_check: The issue seems to be fixed.

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