Favorite button for experiences is broken on website

Attempting to favorite or unfavorite an experience using the Roblox website does not work. Upon clicking the favorite button, it will display as if the operation was successful but when you reload the page nothing has changed. This forces me to use the Roblox app on my phone just to favorite an experience.

Surprised this wasn’t reported earlier, as it’s been an issue for a while now.

Expected behavior

The experience should stay favored/unfavorited when you press the button.

Edit: I just did some debugging on this and it’s really weird… doing the same action on an alternative account worked and the bug didn’t occur. I assume it’s something to do with my account but I don’t know what.


I was wondering why sometimes games wouldn’t favourite. Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Maybe my browser is also bugging…


Hi @bvetterdays, do you mind checking:

  1. Does the same issue occur on a different browser with the same account?
  2. Does the same issue occur for unfavoriting an experience?

Also, what browser are you currently using?
I assume that the account experiencing this issue is bvetterdays but just wanted to confirm that as well.


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Seems to be working for me on Safari… Maybe an issue w/ chromium or another windows browser?

(on m2 ventura)

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  1. Tried on Opera GX and I’m having the same issue.
  2. Yes.

I’m using Chrome, and yes, the account affected is bvetterdays. Thanks for the fast response! :smile:


im using firefox and im experiencing the same issue


Thank you! Unfortunately there isn’t something that immediately stands out but we will continue to investigate.

Please continue to report browsers / accounts that are affected as that will help us to narrow down the issue.


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Thanks to the awesome efforts of @skpm_plz, this bug has now been fixed. :smile:

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Thanks so much @bvetterdays and @TheBloodOfRayne for helping to test. Understanding if it could be reproduced on different browsers / platforms / users was instrumental to finding and fixing the issue! :pray:


This has been the same behavior for years… only because API updates aren’t instsnt

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