Favouriting Games gives Like

The idea:
When you favourite a game, should also give a green thumbs up.

Everyone forgets to thumbs up the game when they favourite it, and then you end up with games with a pretty even good to bad ratio, but they have so many favourites.

Likes are shown when scrolling through game pages, not favourites. My game has a lot of favourites but almost 50% thumbs up to thumbs down (first example)





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I don’t support this. I typically favorite games to play later. Because of that, I’ve never played the game, thus not giving me the right to like or dislike the game itself.

Unless Roblox implements a “Play later” button, then maybe.


Also you need a verified email to be able to “like” a game, while “favoriting” does not require a verified email. Could be why people who “favorite” don’t necessarily “like” it.


Imgur and other sites have tried it in the past, only to revert it because what GetEnveloped mentioned: the favorite button is not equivalent to liking a game. A user may favorite a game to bookmark it or as a reminder to play it later. By automatically liking for each favorite, we make likes inaccurate.

The like/dislike system is for users by users. The use cases for this feature seem to be for developers, not users, so it doesn’t seem like a good fit.


99% of people favourite a game because they like it and want to always be able to play it quickly.

Where are you getting these statistics from?

99% of stats are made up. Roblox would do their own study to determine the actual amount, but the trial and error other sites have been through suggest that this isn’t the case.


Sampling just my friends, all of them favourite because either they want the game on their profile so people see it and/or they want to always have the game at the ready to play; both reasons they would do it because they like the game anyway.

I wrote a response and found out it was basically word-for-word what @GetEnveloped said. The favorite button acts more like a “Save” button for me. In fact, sometimes I favorite a game I disliked just because I want to remember something about it, or use it as a guide on how not to do something.

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But that’s a terrible way to look at it, because your giving attention on your profile to a game you don’t like.

That would have very little effect, imo. I have so many games in my Favorite Games list (playing every day for 7 years really racks up the favorites) that a game will be buried in the list in no time. And even when someone does come across my favorites and it happens to be at the top, would anyone really go play it? Especially if it had a bad like-dislike ratio?

Also, giving the game itself a favorite won’t do anything promotion-wise. It isn’t used to sort things anymore, with the removal of the Top Favorited feature. The search system is so broken that the game wouldn’t benefit from a favorite. Nobody will be moved enough by a single extra favorite to play the game.

Not like the rating maters now however, only front page games are sorted by “Top Rated” now that genre is gone.

The idea behind favorites and likes seems pretty straightforward. One would assume that if you favorite the game, you obviously liked the game and is apart of your favorites list.

However, that system isn’t being used by 100% of the players on the platform. I can’t give you an estimate of how many people actually use that system properly. Rather, as many have mentioned, it is used for bookmarks and saving, or anything of that sort. I’ve asked a couple people here and there, and that is exactly their use.

You literally just made that up. Don’t go around posting made up facts, it just dilutes the useful information in the thread.

I only use favorites as bookmarks. Either for keeping track of a test place or for saving it to play it later, as others have mentioned.

Perhaps a better request would be to add a way we can actually see our likes, such as on the homepage as with favourites. Currently liking a game has no benefit for the player.

I think that would get quite annoying as I find myself always liking or disliking games depending on my experience and the quality of the game after each new game I play.

Some games are just one offs that I wouldn’t wanna play again, but I still want to give respect to the work.

So putting it on my homepage would feel useless.

While I understand what you mean by making this thread where not a lot of people really use the like/dislike buttons, I have to say that I don’t agree with this request because,

As many here have already stated that when someone Favorites a game it doesn’t necessarily mean they “like” it, I for one used the favorite button to bookmark games when I was unable to play games, however the are other use cases for the button as well, therefore making the button force a “like” is not a wise idea.

One thing I’d also like to note is that to listen to what others suggest in this thread and not fight them by giving obvious desperate replies, You may have tested your friends to see what they use it for however your friends are not the only people in the platform so, going based off of one group of people to determine what everyone else on the platform thinks is not wise…

As I said I understand what you mean by posting this thread and here is what I recommend to do instead, and this is just my opinion

Bookmarking / Favourite
It would be nice if roblox were to change how this works a little bit to fit its purpose.
Adding a “Bookmark” Feature or using this as a Bookmark feature and expanding on that direction where we can sort through our Bookmarks and see what games we have bookmarked.

Liking / Disliking
This system is really under-used based on how many people actually play the game, as well as they are always botted. It would be nice to move this in-game perhaps in the game menu? where players would be able to see it and like/dislike, and like Google Play apps for example, it would ask you once in a while “Do you like this game?”


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