FBX animations exported, all bones are keyframed even the unused. How to solve?

This is a post from reddit and I also need help from this thing. I also did the same thing the person did.

I’ll just copy-paste the entire “post” here.

I´m trying to export a hand 3d model to unity with animations, some of the animations only uses some of the fingers so the unused fingers should remain without keyframes, but when i export all the bones are keyframed at the start and end, i know you are supposed to untick “Force start/end keyframe” but doing so and the animations wont getting exported, i dont know if im doing something wrong or if its a bug from blender, i will provide the 3d model if necessary.

Sorry for errors, english is not my first language

Additional information

*Im using blender 2.92

*I tried unticking “Key all bones”

*I tried creating another blender file

EDIT: I think it might be something with the simplify option, when is deactivated it creates unnecesary keyframes, but when activated it erases my keyframes,( i dont know how simplify is supposed to work or why so this is just an assumption).

FBX animations exported, all bones are keyframed even the unused. How to solve?

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