FE and Grip Property

I think this is kinda related to all the issues with welds/motors with FE :angry:
But trying to set the Grip property of Tools won’t work on the client. I haven’t tried from server, but honestly why the hell would I have remote to just change the Grip for a Tool.

Kinda irritating and the only work around is using remotes or changing the C1 for the RightGrip Weld.

This sounds intentional so people can’t easily change how their tools are positioned (for tools such as swords)

But they can always modify the Cn of the welds, as Fattycat17 sad.

Yes. The Grip of tools has to be changed on the Server under Filtering, changing it on the client will not do anything. I don’t actually know if it’s intentional or not.

Can you get someone(a dev) who knows about FE to fix this or reply to this thread on information on this issue? I just find it kinda pathetic that we can’t use Grip from client, but we can just change the weld on the client to achieve the same goal.

Well, I guess it doesn’t make sense (I can understand it not replicating, but not changing at all - that is a bit odd.)