Fe Gun Kit AnimationEvent Error

Hello, so i’m using FE Gun Kit for my Gun System, and I watched this youtube video on how to sync sounds for Reloads and whatnot, but when I attempted to try this on my System, then I kept on getting this error, and don’t know how to fix it.

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can you show us what CurrentVariables is?


from what you are showing me, there appears to be no ReloadAnim index in CurrentVariables so you are trying to get something that doesnt exist

Yeah, I thought the same thing, but when I change it to “AnimTable” Which seems to have a connection to “ReloadAnim.” As you can see in this screenshot

Then I Get this red underline thing.

did you define what AnimTable was anywhere in the script?

Thank you very much, I finally fixed it “AnimTable” was “CurrentAnimTable” and that’s what I had to change it to, thanks.

yer’ welcom’

character limitttttttttt

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