[DEPRECATED] FE Gun kit Viewmodel Physics - New structure

Mind providing a video of the model?


It’s not necessarily needed since FE Gun kit Viewmodel is widely used! you can watch one of these showcase here


Hi there, it’s been 2 months since this topic was created but tutorial was instead created by me since i’ve seen most people using the old version because it’s easily modable for old version, here’s the link of it.

Quality has been reduced since OBS compressed it


Hey, i loved using your kit! however i have one issue…the fire sounds and muzzle don’t replicate to the server and only the shooter can hear them which makes it really unfair for others :slightly_frowning_face: is there anyways to solve this?

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How do I use the new FE Gun Kit? The settings script disappeared, and I don’t know how to add animations now.

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It’s already mentioned in this post

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I have a Question, When I create an inspect animation, why does it play only once? Im trying to find the issue, but for some reason I cant play it again.


Uhh for some reason the collisions on the viewmodel don’t work for me even though cancollide is off for everything…

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If HumanoidRootPart is unanchored, make sure it’s enabled

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Hey! i was wondering if you can make walk animation id?

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While this is not aimed to be parkour style, FE Gun kit Viewmodel doesn’t include that in the kit, Viewmodel uses spring for swaying instead of custom animation.

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How do I make it so I can Aim when im in third person?

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If you already have your camera system then you need to change the CameraType in GunClient find for LockFirstPerson and Replace them all with Classic

and for detecting camera distance, find the Magnitude <= 1 it’s at line 1358 and 1373 and change the magnitude numbers to higher like 50 or 100, This allows the gun to be aimed in third person if camera is close to the distance.


doesn’t work, the gun does not aim nor play an aiming animation

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Why I using it and make certain guns piercing wall but it only 0.2 studs, but it glitch throw the wall very thick, it long 5m, how I can fixing this?

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OK how can I make it so that when I sprint the gun cant shoot and maybe even play an animation

I’ll let this one guide you through.


[Old Version Non-viewmodel FE Gun Kit] https://create.roblox.com/marketplace/asset/9532197485/Old-Version-Nonviewmodel-FE-Gun-Kit this?

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It didnt work but i already found one called snalez fe gun kit


hihi guys, Please use this kit from the original author instead of mine and for fixes, some structure has been changed in favor of complaints.