Fear of accidentally copying other games

hey! i just wanted to say that recently, ive been struggling to find original ideas that are fun for my game Hollow point
the game is a class team vs team movement shooter, but to make the player have a bigger “connection” with the classes, i wanted to make them sometimes say something on the screen
but when i was doing research, i discovered a roblox game called Phighting already does that

then as its a movement shooter, which means it have momentum mechanics, i wanted the players to have a jumpstart when they spawn so they can chain their moves to already start with high momentum
phighting also does that, by making the characters sometime jump forward when they spawn, but i dont think its for momentum boosting reasons

this has been on my mind lately, and im not here to provocate hate or anything towards phighting and it’s devs, as its a amazing game, but im just worried people will think my game is a copy


it for some reason makes me worried, I just don’t want to be called another copycat

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It’s normal for games to share some features.

As long as your game has enough features to distinguish itself you will be fine. Aslong as your game shares most features you will not be called a copycat.

alright, I will go through and add those 2 features I mentioned then, hopefully the “spend health to use abilities” system will be enough to distinguish it