Feature for Profile Pictures

I noticed a lot on website bugs, and forum feedback, etc. topics talking about profile pictures not automatically updating. I was thinking what if we could use a png to request a profile picture?

For example, I’d make a post asking for this profile picture then Community Post Approval would approve it is appropriate for public and etc, and we can have profile pictures besides a headshot of our ROBLOX Avatar. I don’t know how this would be added, but I hope its a good feature.

I think this would help, because if they do want a headshot of their roblox avatar, they can update it as we can’t autoupdate our pfps or even roblox names. My roblox username isn’t zelrar, its sixroad.

:slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for reading.

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Is this really needed? I believe your Roblox character will suffice. Additionally, manual approval via Community Post Approval would definitely not be scalable.

If you need it to update, there has been numerous posts explaining how you need to log out and in again because of the caching.


Post approval is already super busy with their post backlogs. They don’t need any more work than they already got…


Log out, and then log back into the forum. This is a very commonly asked question.

Community Post Approval already has a huge job to do, and a large backup due to the Coronavirus. I don’t think we should put more weight on them with profile picture updates.

Adding to your point:

  • Uploading Photos of yourself or anyone (PII) is against TOS as well so no.

It’d be profile pictures, not against ToS. It doesn’t necessarily just mean a picture of yourself.

Fully support, if roblox can’t be bothered to render fire for my hat in user thumbnails then at least let me make my profile picture look half alive :eyes:

Custom profile pictures was around before when the forum was small, but was removed when moving to Discourse. Supporting a feature like this would require manual approval to some degree, which would most likely end up going through Roblox’s moderation system. That is a lot for just a profile picture on a forum.


True, but maybe its for a specified rank or higher? Like Regular+.

Roblox moderation, regardless of what roblox claims is ultimately handled by bots, of engineering effort was invested into this it would be pointless to have to regular onlyy

Yeah. I was thinking about that as well, but this platform is too large to be handled solely by the human species unless they did a mass staff-recruitment.

What is the use case for this? I do believe a lot of the users here are identified by their Roblox character. So why fragment a part of your identity but using a custom profile picture? There is no need for one on a forum like this one.

For me it shows your username on the forum is sixroad, was this either just changed by a DevRel member or do you still not see it as sixroad?

I had to logout, change my email and verify it on my roblox account, sign into the devforum, then change my main roblox email back to the normal one and verify it.

A very long process because the caches or something like that broke. I’m not really a web master so I have no idea what a cache is, but

How long ago did you change your username?

Earlier today on the DevForum, at least a few weeks ago on ROBLOX itself.

Well that’s definitely an issue, I wonder if logging out and re logging in to the devfourm (not changing email etc) would work for next time.