"Feature" friends/following on profile

As a Roblox developer, it is often hard to get your name out there. Some people don’t mind, but others feel unappreciated. Essentially, with this idea, your profile would become an advertisement or a display of other people. Anyone who comes wandering to your profile will find a list of “featured” people and might be interested in looking. With this, it helps get their name out a little more.

I’ve made some mock-ups of how it could look like.

On your profile:

To feature people:

Featured list:

I feel that this idea would help out smaller developers who are friends with larger developers in order to get their name out a little more without having to dish out masses of Robux. As of always, this is a concept and is open to criticism and feedback.


This is a good idea, but I feel like this may lead some people to start begging devs to feature them.

Additionally, I feel like featured people should have a bigger icon or something, or maybe just their game instead. Because when I look at the profile view, the featured tab doesn’t jump out at me at all, and I might just mistake it for a second row of friends.

You don’t have to listen to the beggars, it’s always optional. Just as well as those who beg for Robux – it’s optional to give them some. And of course, the designs there are only a concept – I am not a web designer, so I don’t really know what works well and what doesn’t. Just a basic concept.


I like this. Showing off if you’re friends with some famous devs or showcasing people, pretty cool. Support.


Is featuring users the best way to get another’s name out? I have a feeling this feature won’t be used for the intended purpose. It would probably be used for status e.g. “Look at this famous person / staff member I’m friends with!”

Instead of featuring users, we might see more success by featuring their creations. If you linked me to some random user’s profile, I wouldn’t care – they’re just a random person. If you link me to a cool game or piece of clothing they made, I would be much more incentivized to check it out. I’m not sure the best way to do this (e.g. do we allow pinning creations to your own profile, or do we take advantage of the ROBLOX feed?), but whatever we end up doing, featuring creations instead of users will be more productive.


Maybe a side panel. Similar to youtube when youtubers can feature people they are friends with.

True, but just looking at the design of the profile page, it is not customisable that much and isn’t really designed to see creations that effectively
or make an impression (imo).

YouTube is more oriented towards first impressions and the ease of access to content to be able to judge a channel.

I think a more preferable system would be to feature content like what Echo said. It links you directly to what is important.

Seems like an interesting idea to try. However, I would say the featured section would do better as a way to sort the friends catagory on your profile. Right now it’s sorted by the last people who you added as friends, which is a bit of an odd way to sort in my opinion.

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eh, I don’t like this

I don’t like saying 'hey, sorry dude this guy is better than you, I gotta feature them instead of you"

Reminds me of the best friends system, except this time it’s publicly visible

That was the original intent. In all honesty, this really isn’t even my idea. I was discussing it with a friend and he asked if I could post it up onto the DevForum, and here we are. I modified it a little bit, but most of this was his idea.

Great idea! :+1: