[Feature Request] Colorgrading Retro ToneMapper Expansion

With Compatibility Lighting soon obsolete and with the eye on converting games/experiences lighting to Voxel lighting before it happens automatically, I’d like to request a feature that’d take away the worry and struggle of migrating and converting all lighting aspects of each and every place.

Within the ColorGradingEffect, the ‘Retro’ ToneMapperPreset doesn’t fully capture or cover all things Compatibility as clearly seen in this example:

It appears that certain areas don’t match well, it be the shadows, highlights and toning. Having the ability to automatically convert those as well (it be using a toggle or slider) would be greatly beneficial to the overal migration process, as having to manually toy around with several other lighting properties; scripts that affect lighting; different biome/region zones as well as lighting effects in weapons and enemies separately. Having to do so in up to 30+ places for an experience/game with the chance of not even achieving the same style and aesthetic is almost undoable.

If all aspects of Compatility Lighting were covered in the color grading Retro preset – it be in the form of some additional shadow/highlight sliders and a button for brightness clamp – the feature would allow any developer or artist who’s current using or trying to migrate to keep their desired style.

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