Feature Request: Quick Instance Rename Keyboard Shortcut

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to quickly rename instances that are selected without moving my mouse all the way to the instance in the explorer and clicking on the Instance (when it’s already selected) and wait about 0.5-0.75 seconds or by moving my mouse all the way to the Properties and navigating to the Name section (which is sometimes confusing to find the name at first glance when the parent name is also right below it).

My feature request is to have an easy and super quick way of renaming an Instance you’ve selected and it’s similar to how you focus the cursor in the address bar in Chrome by the Keyboard Shortcut CTRL+L.

With this keyboard shortcut, you would:
Select the Instance,
CTRL+L on your keyboard,
Immediately start typing the name and press Return/Enter no matter where your cursor is,
That’s it!

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because it will make sorting and efficiently renaming things in the explorer (Models especially) so much easier for huge building projects and just about every other thing in the explorer.

I’m building a map and this is only a small snapshot of the explorer’s Models and Unions that I haven’t taken the time to rename because It’s just time consuming enough for me not to want to deal with yet:

Say you want to rename 5 different Instances,
Right now by clicking in the explorer it takes about 0.5-0.75 seconds to initiate the text editing cursor (not to mention the time it takes to move my Touchpad there).
Approx. 0.5-0.75 seconds (plus an approximate 0.25 for the mouse movement) * 5 = 3.75 seconds!

If there were a CTRL+L keyboard shortcut or another keyboard shortcut to initiate the text editing cursor, it would take an estimated 0.05 seconds or so (for hand movement?).
0.05+(estimated cursor movement about 0.25, or little to none if you select by clicking an Instance in the world) * 5 = 1.5 seconds! Over 2.5X faster than the other method!

This is all mainly experience based proposal, and full of estimations that may not be fully accurate to every situation (but relatively close I think), but It would definitely cut back time to have a shortcut for renaming Instances.

Also, those estimations were only with 5 Instances. For 15 that would be: 11.25 seconds vs 4.5 seconds!

I hope I presented this well and hope I’m not the only one who would find such convenience in this feature.

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You can select the instance, then press F2 to initiate renaming instantly. You can also use the property panel to rename multiple instances at once.

Although, it would still be nice to be able to rename directly from the viewport.

Oh okay, I tried it but F2 does nothing.
And I understand that you can rename multiple at the same time with the same name, however I am saying 5-15 different Instances with various unique names.

Also, CTRL+L would still be easier than pressing F2 even if It did work for me. It’s less chance of pressing the wrong key when building in a dark room also.

Ah, I see.

I made a simple plugin for this use case. You can customize the shortcut by going into Advanced > Customize Shortcuts > Quick Rename. You can use the plugin by activating the shortcut, then typing your new name, then press enter to rename or unfocus to cancel.

QuickRename.rbxmx (16.2 KB)


f2 is a universal keyboard shortcut for renaming, try clicking a file on Windows and pressing it


Did you just make that? And that’s nice, thanks!

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This is possible using the new explorer’s features.