Feature Request - Revival of the Core Scripts GitHub

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to get the updated source code of Core Scripts, and impossible to contribute to them.

The Roblox/Core-Scripts GitHub used to be active and taking PRs, but ever since 7 months ago it’s been completely abandoned. In the mean time, there have been multiple issues filed and PRs submitted.

I’ve seen, and personally encountered, multiple core script bugs that I could easily fix myself and make a PR for, but what’s the point if seemingly no PR is ever going to be merged again?

Not to mention to find the updated core scripts now, you either have to enable them in the explorer or check the core scripts folder in Studio. GitHub was easier.

I urge Roblox to bring back the Core-Scripts repository.


Support! There are many issues and missing features that the user base would be more than willing to improve for free.


Yeah, there’s a bug with the corescripts where if you spawn in water the sound script will error if your character loads inside water. Was going to fix send pull request to official repo, but couldn’t because it was inactive and the scripts were out-of-date.

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I’d also like to see this, recently I investigated a bug in the CoreScripts and it was a pain to investigate without being able to view the history. I also needed to contact a CoreScript contributor at Roblox to make them aware of the bug instead of being able to submit a pull request.


Support, this would be very helpful, I would love to have access to the updated core scripts easier :yum:.

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There’s no question about it, support. CoreScripts can be super annoying to work with, and this is a step in the right direction.

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From my knowledge they’re working on major changes to some of the corescripts

cc @AllYourBlox

I understand the frustration with not being able to contribute, but as more Roblox employees and interns started actively working on these systems, getting all of the scripts out of GitHub and under Roblox’s internal source control was a very necessary workflow step for being able to easily resolve changes made internally by multiple engineers, as well as for keeping the versioning of the Lua source in sync with C++ source code and API version it depends on. It was simply not practical to have engineers constantly reconciling two version control systems, particularly when features required both API call changes and corresponding Lua changes with dependencies and needed to be deployed together.

There may be some compromise option to be discovered here, but I think it’s highly unlikely for Core Scripts to go back to GitHub. There are many more engineers dedicated to the individual parts of the Core Scripts system than there were in the past, and some parts are getting major rewrites to the point where any public repo copies would be stale most of the time. A more accessible bug reporting system that supports easily annotating code and suggesting edits makes more sense at this point that trying to keep a second copy of all the scripts current.