Featured sort broken?

8 games, none of the really good ones like SBS, SBB, or Deathrun. Bug?


It’s intended, there was a blog post about it yesterday.

The featured sort was turned into what does everyone like to what is new and good. Ultimate Boxing is going to be near dead for a few weeks because of this. :unamused:

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TBF this is what it should have always been, a place to show new games for a limited time. It was nice while it lasted though.

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I take it that its still manually done, right?

I’m hoping they are going to add more games to the listing soon, because right now it’s kinda uncomfortable being 1 amongst the only 8 games in this list.


Ouch, nearly all the games have lower ratings now then when they first started in featured from that blog post. This is in no way a jab at the games either, I have no business in questioning what game should / should not be on featured. Could it be that games on featured are rated more harshly by players?

I just checked mobile and there are a mere 4 games on featured.

It’s unfortunate they don’t allow paid access games on the featured slot because there are a ton of great paid access games. I understand why though.

The featured sort really affects player ratings and the amount the a player spends.

Average spend per player goes down a lot, and they are a lot more likely to downvote when compared to a game that’s not on the featured sort.

It doesn’t affect the amount that your players are spending. It just puts new, cheaper players into your game. So your robux/visit goes down, but that’s not really a meaningful stat anyway.

In my experience, even with similar player counts and average play times; I received less robux on the days that I was on the featured sort, compared to when I was not on the featured sort.

it’s an update, and I think it’s not polished yet

they should have some featured game, but another tab for games like deathrun, and those games that are original, and super good, but not sure what they would call it (maybe Daily Features, and Featured)

but I love the idea of them featuring more games, but they gotta keep pushing their originals

If you had a similar player count then you had less regulars. If you had the same number of regulars then you would have more total players after the featured players were stacked on. So it makes sense that you would be making less money after swapping out your regulars with featured players.

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my game makes most of it’s income from returning players.

it rarely goes above 100 players online, but when I advertise and get that number to 300-600

I don’t make that much more than you’d think, 6x the players, but 1.5x the income at most usually

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