Featuring Designers

:sparkles:Spell Bound is a type of clothing group that has the most luxurious, fabulous and most original clothing!

:crystal_ball: Motto : “Nothing has more sparkles then Spells!”

At the moment the clothing store is being built- but we’d like to feature a few designers, with high quality, original and unique clothing!

If you are accepted- you will need to create an collection of 2 or more outfits to be put into the store (MUST BE NEW CLOTHING)! As well as uploading them to your profile so you receive the funds.

COLLECTION - We’d also like to ask for all of the designers to create a collection related to the group’s image which is like, “magical” or to include stars, constellations or other “out of the world” clothing.


These are 3 of my designs, I am the main designer and creator of this group. The 2nd and 3rd outfits are in the group- but the 1st one was the outfit to make me think of this idea!

I have been designing for 6-7 years and have a lot of experience.

Celestial Navy Lace Dress
Celestial Navy Lace Dress (1)
Celestial Navy Lace Dress (2)


GROUP LINK : https://www.roblox.com/groups/6742834/Spell-Bound#!/about

SIGN UP LINK : https://forms.gle/PkkDDUJDFM3TAVSm9

If you have any questions contact me.


:white_heart: Roblox Developer Forum - @BluVelv
:purple_heart: Discord - BluVelv#0933
:blue_heart: Twitter - @RBLXBluVelv


Will be get payed for it? You should really use the correct format for hiring people.

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Are you also willing to feature clothing uploaded to groups? I have a 800 member clothing group where I upload all my designs. I don’t typically upload to my profile as I want the revenue to go to group funds.

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I am not hiring people- I am looking for people, which is why I put it under recruitment.

You won’t get payed- I am simply featuring your clothing which is free advertisement for you.

Yes, as long as it was made by you. You can feature the collection on your own group or personally <3

Recruitment is hiring people. Also why would be give you cloths that you can profit of but not us?

I wouldn’t profit from these AT ALL- it is for designer’s profits. The designers would own the clothing. " “you will need to create an collection of 2 or more outfits to be put into the store (MUST BE NEW CLOTHING)! As well as uploading them to your profile so you receive the funds.”

I will be applying! Very excited for this!

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Super cool you’re doing this! Provides some extra exposure to those who deserve it. One question though, why does it have to be new clothing?

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We want to advertise it in the homestore as “new” to draw people’s attention- so having old clothing, isn’t the same. We’d also like to ask for all of the designers to create a collection related to the group’s image which is like, “magical” or to include stars, constellations or other “out of the world” clothing.



Added details on collection since it was vague.


Added the most recent clothing item from today! :smile: :cloud:

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